Partnership Mission Statements

Michaela Shiloh
I will strive to learn far beyond surface level information regarding global killers. My awareness and compassion for the topic will be expressed through productive dialogue and work with whichever organization we choose to collaborate with. I will listen and remain open-minded to my group mates' ideas and suggestions. I will always voice my opinions in a respectful manner and will continue to be efficient and reliable by communicating well with my peers. I will push myself as well as my peers to think outside of the box. 

Rachel Zeleke
I wish to help others so that they can help others. I wish to collaborate with organizations, not only so I can help, but also because I want to learn. I wish to learn more about global dilemmas so that I can go out and educate others. I wish to work in partnership with my group mates so that we can help each other accomplish our goals. Lastly, I wish fulfillment in this whole process because I want to ultimately make a difference.

Anya Richkind
I will never stop trying to make the world a better place, be it ever so slightly, while maintaining loyalty to my family, commitment to my weird but hopefully endearing self, and compassion fro my fellow human beings. This compassion will be manifested in my persistent effort to help fight preventable diseases, mostly in the local area, but also on a national and global scope. I will partner with organizations in the hopes of spreading both awareness and medical aid. In my people-to-people relationships, I will treat others with the same honesty, TLC, and thoughtfulness I hope to receive. I will try to understand my surroundings, absorbing my specific reality with a solution-seeking, nonjudgmental eye.

Ian Day
To consistently make each day better than the last one. To give back as much or more than life has given me and to wake up every day inspired to make a difference. To be creative and take risks. To work with my team mates and create an open dialogue with them.