Friday, April 9, 2010

Conversation with Jacques

We spent class today talking with Jacques, one of the main organizers of the L-W/Drew trip to Senegal (and also Katarina's husband, coincidentally!). He had countless suggestions and invaluable advice. Here are the minutes:

-Specific countries (greater malaria rate). Need to target areas with greatest risk.
- Although Senegal does have malaria (largest cause of infant mortality), areas such as Togo, etc. have higher rates.

-Educating about the use and impact of the nets would greatly decrease the chances of people selling them or merely not using them.
-Price of nets in comparison to villagers = two weeks pay. That’s a major reason that the nets are sold or seemingly not used.
-Participant (Anya) in Senegal trip could bring nets.
-Establish contacts in Senegal and send nets periodically throughout the year to one or more villages.
-Make sure you find the cheapest nets that are still effective. How many nets has Katarina bought?

-Expensive, often not available.
-For distribution, a contact in Senegal would be highly useful.
- Cameroon – manufacturer/pharmacy (Jacques is sending the name) that deals in patent rights and malaria medication for much cheaper than the major medical companies.
-Buying the medicine there eliminates the problem of transportation and medical transportation laws.

-Educational brochures/pamphlets/books could possibly be very useful.
-Should contact (Jacques will send email) teachers/principal of school to see if they need them or think they would be helpful.
-Talk to school about what kind of malaria education/awareness programs (if any) are in place already --> how they could be improved
-Videos/films? --> projector needed (could use $1200 to buy this)
-Government pamphlets?
-Could possibly establish contact with other high schoolers that have helped distribute nets in the past.

-Re-do Health Survey: Inventory of number of nets and number of children in the village. --> Get past information/data from Katarina
-Find ratio of children to nets (how could this be improved?)
-Talk to Youssou re: translating letters to/from contacts at Senegalese school (Rachel will be in charge of this)

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